May 28th, 2020

We are happy to announce the v3.2.0 release of Pipeliner CRM.
This release includes another exciting batch of new features for our app as well as other improvements to existing functionality.

Please note that some of these features are only available for our Business or EnterpriseEnterprise Enterprise (in the context of sales) is a relatively large organization typically composed of multiple levels, locations, and departments which need multi-layer software systems that support collaboration across a large corporate environment. Tiers.

New Features and Small Enhancements

Brand new “BI Feeder”

Pipeliner dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. can be queried from any BI (Business Intelligence) solutionSolution Solution is a combination of ideas, strategies, processes, technologies and services that effectively helps an organization achieve its goals or hurdle its challenges. that can connect to a PostgreSQL database (for example Google DataStudio, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau among others…). This will allow your business to report on aggregated data across the whole of your environment and to connect sales data to data from other company departments.

Key benefits:

  • Pipeliner data can be queried and edited inside of the BI solution, without affecting the speed of the Pipeliner App.
  • Easily build custom dashboards within your BI solution.
  • Daily synchronization ensures that your data will be always ready for reporting.
  • Connect and visualize sales data with other departments like MarketingMarketing Marketing is the field, set of actions, or practice of making a product or service desirable to a target consumer segment, with the ultimate aim of effecting a purchase. or Finance in your BI solution.
  • Display Sales dashboard with current data on your big screen in the office!
  • No maintenance costs for a clientClient A client is an entity who pays another entity for products purchased or services rendered. Also called a customer.-side database from client-side.

Currently, we support exporting only to a PostgreSQL database.

Check our Knowledge Base article to get more information about “BI Feeder” ›

General Improvements

  • Clickable Dashboards — We’ve added a drill-down option when viewing data in a Dashboard report. When you hover, you get a summary and also now, when you click, you’ll see the underlying data in Standard Report layout. Remember you can click again on a row to drill down to the underlying record.
  • Brand new List View for Feeds — You are now able to choose to view Feeds in a “List View” when you want to see more items on the screen when viewing Feeds. Select Card View or List View from the dropdown on all Feeds.
  • Filtering data based on Watchers & Editors — When using “Custom Filters” in any main menu or in Reports, you can now filter on “Editors” or “Watchers” as well as “Owner“! Each record can, of course, have many Editors or Watchers so the filtering works the same as when using a custom multi-select checkbox field — i.e. Editors HAS {username} — and will return all records where your specified UserUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service.(s) are one of the Editors or Watchers. You can also select multiple Editors or Watchers in the same way as selecting multiple Owners.
  • Activity Detail Updates — Wherever you schedule your Activities from, it’s now effortless to see what else you’ve got already in your Calendar for a given date and to dynamically drag Appointments on your Calendar so they fit around your schedule. It’s also even easier to select the type of activity you want to plan using the “Activity Type” buttons at the top of the screen.
  • Email HTML Templates Improvements — We’ve made multiple small improvements when managing Email templates:
    • When sending a test email, it now automatically auto-populates with a recently selected record and recipient email address for more efficient testing.
    • Each personalization string inside HTML templates has a unique text name, so you can distinguish what will be personalized.
    • You can easily copy a personalization marker to your source HTML.
    • In HTML templates you can now clearly see where personalization markers are placed.
    • We’ve added a “Search” option to search within the HTML code of your HTML templateTemplate Template is a generic file with a framework showing the standard sections or features of a specific kind of document, used to create a new document of the same type faster and easier..

Brand New Jira Integration

We have developed an integration between Pipeliner and one of the most popular, and widely used, Software development tools, Jira for Cloud. This native integration allows you to connect your Pipeliner space to one of your Jira projects and then synchronizes Tasks that you create in Pipeliner creating issues for your development team directly from within Pipeliner. There are extensive choices for mapping Pipeliner Task fields to Jira issues as part of the configuration. Changes made either to the Pipeliner Task or the Jira Issue will trigger an update to the corresponding record in the other system.

Check our Knowledge Base article to get more information about “Jira” Integration ›