What are the different roles

Role project owner


(Can also be the Admin)

Role onboarding Admin


(Can also be the Project Owner)

Onboarding Role Sales Manager

SALES MANAGERSales Manager Sales Manager is an executive who leads a sales unit, team or department by setting goals and meeting targets, formulating plans and policies, designating tasks, and developing salespeople.

onboarding role End users

END USERUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service.

OnboardingOnboarding Onboarding is the process or act of introducing a new customer to your product or service; or integrating a newly hired employee into your workforce or team. for each role

Project Owner

The authority to define:

  • User roles

  • Sales units

  • PipelinePipeline Sales pipelineis a visual representation of the stage prospects are in the sales process. process

  • Currency

  • Forms

  • Other elements as needed

Time commitment:

  • Guided in person workshops with Pipeliner Consultant
  • Pipeliner CRM Setup (approx. 1 week)

    NOTE › this is setup without dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. migration and/or system integration as the inclusion of either may add time 


Basic computer skills required:

  • Browser

  • MS Office/Outlook/365

  • Google Docs

Time commitment:

  • Online Onboarding Sessions with our CustomerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business. Training Manager
  • 2 x 2 hours live virtual training plus access to recordings

Sales Manager

Training topics include:

  • Reporting
  • Pipeline Management
  • Activity Management
  • and many more…

Time commitment:

  • Online Onboarding Sessions with our Customer Training Manager

  • 3 hours live virtual training plus access to recordings

End User

Training topics include:

  • Overview to Pipeliner CRM application
  • Entities
  • Profiles for end users

  • and many more…

Time commitment:

  • Online Onboarding Sessions with our Customer Training Manager
  • 3 hours live virtual training plus access to recordings

Onboarding Timeline by role