
Featuring Pipeliner Executives

A Call to Leadership In Business family and life
A Call To Leadership
with John Golden

EP228: The Money Shot – Making Every Interaction Count with John Golden. Join sales guru John Golden as we unpack the secrets to successful sales interactions. This episode explores how to leave a lasting positive impression on customers, plus ways to harness authenticity and consistency to enhance every customerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business. experience. So tune in for transformative insights that’ll elevate your sales skills immediately.

Podcast interview on process efficiencies, digital workflows and CRM, Nikolaus
Disruptive CEO Nation
with Nikolaus Kimla

As an expert in process efficiencies, digital workflows and CRM, Nikolaus has designed a solutions platform to enable sales teams to navigate complex sales processes in the B2BB2B B2B is an acronym for Business-to-Business, a model for selling, relationship-building, or engagement. space and beyond. He shares views on tech design and how better adoption rates are achieved with a deep knowledge of the userUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service. perspective. Also the founder of Salespop, Nikolaus shares insight into how to leverage contentContent Content refers to a material or document released in various forms (such as text, image, audio, and video) and created to inform, engage or influence specific audiences. creation for community building as Salespop articles can have tens of thousands of views and professionals the world.

Selected Podcasts

(click to open selected Podcast Source)

John Golden interview in podcast on Podcast Show Doing Business with a Servants Heart
Podcast Show Doing Business with a Servants Heart
with John Golden

Can martial arts principles transform your approach to sales and business? Join us as we uncover the rich narrative of Pipeliner CRM and SalesPop with John, an Irish entrepreneur now thriving in San Diego. Discover how Pipeliner CRM streamlines sales methodologies into everyday workflows, dramatically enhancing productivity and efficiency. John shares invaluable lessons from his tenure with global consultancy firms like Hathwaite and Omega Performance, shedding light on the critical importance of managing expenses and the dangers of scaling by merely adding headcount. Plus, learn about the altruistic mission behind SalesPop, a platform dedicated to providing free educational resources to elevate sales professionals everywhere.

John Golden interview in podcast on C-Suit Marketing
with John Golden

B2B CMOs: The Expanded Perception of Creating Growth.

John Golden, CMO and Chief Strategy Officer of Pipeliner, emphasizes the need for a fluid and aligned organizationOrganization Organization is a cohesive group of people working together and formally bound by a shared identity (e.g., one team, company, club, etc.) and a common purpose (e.g., business growth, athletic victory, etc.). that focuses on enabling salespeople to provide a seamless customer experience. He highlights the importance of sales as the tip of the spear and the need for marketingMarketing Marketing is the field, set of actions, or practice of making a product or service desirable to a target consumer segment, with the ultimate aim of effecting a purchase. to support and align with sales efforts.

“I think the most important thing is that there is an alignment on who the real target customer is with input from both sales and marketing.” – John Golden

Podcast retention talk with John Golden
Retention Talk
with John Golden

On today’s episode of Retention Talk, Neel speaks with John Golden, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer at Pipeliner CRM. We talk about the perpetuity of customer experience, expansion revenueRevenue Revenue is the amount of money a business generates during a specific period such as a year or a quarter; also called sales., and how being focused gives you the best opportunity to succeed.

UpTech Report - The soul of a Salesperson podcast interview with Nikolaus Kimla
UpTech Report
with Nikolaus Kimla

Today’s episode “The Soul of a Salesperson”. The UpTech Report is a channel committed to diving deep into upcoming technologies that will disrupt how we live, work, and play. We’re also thrilled to share real stories told directly by C-Suite executives about how their companies are leveraging Software as a Service (SaaSSaaS SaaS is an acronym for Software as a Service.), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine LearningMachine Learning Machine Learning is an aspect or type of artificial intelligence whereby a computer possesses the ability to learn various things by itself without explicitly being programmed to. (ML) and other emerging technologies to maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly-changing world.

Sales, Technology and the Enterprise podcast network with Nikolaus Kimla
EnterpriseEnterprise Enterprise (in the context of sales) is a relatively large organization typically composed of multiple levels, locations, and departments which need multi-layer software systems that support collaboration across a large corporate environment. Radio
with Nikolaus Kimla

Nikolaus Kimla, CEO of Pipeliner CRM, a company that is meeting the challenges of the digital age and leading the market with new ideas to empower entrepreneurs joins Enterprise Radio. This innovative sales application combines powerful sales productivitySales Productivity Sales Productivity is a metric that indicates how efficient a sales unit is at closing sales and generating revenue for the company, based on sales volume, payroll expenses, level of personnel activity and other factors. tools and effective team collaboration features to help entrepreneurs gain the competitive edge in sales. Pipeliner believes that when a salesperson is positively influenced by and supported with intelligent dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning., they will make more informed decisions and become a better salesperson.

Podcast Uptech report with Nikolaus Kimla on psychology of sales.
UpTech Report
with Nikolaus Kimla

Today’s episode “The Psychology of Sales”. The UpTech Report is a channel committed to diving deep into upcoming technologies that will disrupt how we live, work, and play. We’re also thrilled to share real stories told directly by C-Suite executives about how their companies are leveraging Software as a Service (SaaS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and other emerging technologies to maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly-changing world.

Your Sales Strategy is Outdated Podcast interview with John Golden
Allyson Chavez
with John Golden

Avoid This Common Sales Conversation Mistake and Try This Game-Changing Approach Instead. Are you intimidated by sales conversations? In this week’s episode, John will help you reorient your thinking and see sales as a noble profession. He will share some great tips for getting in the right mindset for a successful sales conversation.

Instilling Purpose in Your Social Media Posting - Podcast interview with John Golden
The Radical CEO with Libby Gill
with John Golden

The Internet greatly affects the way we manage our daily lives—from how we communicate and shop to who and what we believe. With our dependence on the web, those of us who are content providers or social media influencers have an obligation to our audiences. Today, Libby Gill talks to business and sales strategist John Golden, who is the publisher of Sales POP magazine and podcast, a bestselling author, and the chief marketing and strategy officer for Pipeliner—a customer relationship management tool (CRM). He opens our eyes to how we can add more value by instilling our social media with a sense of purpose. Author of Winning the Battle of Sales, John connects his love of military history to sales success.

Podcast Punk CX Adrian Swinscoe with Nikolaus Kimla Pipeliner CRM CEO
Punk CX with Adrian Swinscoe
with Nikolaus Kimla

Today’s interview is with Nikolaus KImla, CEO and partner of pipelinersales.com, about how they are trying to reinvent Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and his belief that sales people are the entrepreneurs of the corporate landscape.

Called to Confidence with Sharon Hughes and John Golden
Called to Confidence with Sharon Hughes
with John Golden

Have you ever wondered how to create your personal brand? Part of that process is choosing who you are and choosing your inputs by starting your day with a mental breakfast. John Golden, the author of Building Your Brand Of Gold, walks us through a masterclass on how to successfully create your personal brand and not become a chameleon on the way! John Golden is the Publisher and Executive Editor of SalesPOP Magazine and Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer at PipelinePipeline Sales pipelineis a visual representation of the stage prospects are in the sales process. CRM.

Sales POP! • Purveyors Of Prosperity