In this section we will talk about:
How to develop a Sales Character
Why Character in Sales is so important
How Character is applied in Sales
„Character is the result of two things: Mental attitude and the way we spend our time.“
Why Character in Sales is Important
Trust in Trade
Trade Brings Peace — if two parties are engaged in fair trade, they cannot also be in conflict. When trading fairly, items equal in value or an item for an equal amount of money, equality is inherent in the process.
Ancient traders, such as Marco Polo, were held in high regard. Traders and those they traded with had mutual trust. The trust that each party would receive goods or money in equal measure. The question then becomes, how can we develop such trust today?
The Ethical Component
There must be an element of ethics for sales to truly accomplish its mission. When ethics are present, then trust will be also. When people don’t trust salespeople, commerce does not occur.
But when they trust salespeople, commerce does happen, and overall, an economy, small or large, can survive even in the toughest of times.
Making a Difference
One person selling ethically cannot make much of a difference in the overall culture. But here’s the good news: it does not take a majority of ethical salespeople to change society for the better. It only takes 25% of a population to create a tipping point for the better.
Now is the time to join that movement, take a stand and be the vanguard of restoring trust in sales.
Why Character?
The two pillars of the future are technology and human beings. Both need to be optimal in application, performance, and presentation to succeed. Technology has become an equal partner.
For that reason, character is even more important, for humanity has to be as good as technology. This is especially true in sales.
„Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.“
Character in Action
In this high-tech mechanized age, many things can be replaced. But the one thing you cannot replace is a human—you can’t replace a human being with whom you share trust.
You can’t replace a relationship. And central to trust and relationships is character. In sales, your prospects rely on your character. A person with character can make the promise, “You have my word” and be trusted with it.
If your word doesn’t count for anything, we lose humanity. We lose, really, everything.
Network Selling
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Related E-book › Emotions In Sales
Character, Emotions & Sales
Understanding & controlling emotions is also a part of developing a strong character.
Emotions are actually involved in a sale from the very beginning, even before you are. People inquire about your productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price. or service in the first place because of an emotional response. The first act in establishing a seller-buyerBuyer A buyer is an individual or organizational entity that purchases a product or subscribes to a service. relationship is fully understanding the emotions connected to the buyer’s issues because their emotions will guide you all the way through a sale.
“Empathy must be genuine, it must be felt. And the only way it can be felt is if the salesperson actually does make the effort to understand the prospect.”