RevenueRevenue Revenue is the amount of money a business generates during a specific period such as a year or a quarter; also called sales. Intelligence
Intelligent QuotaQuota Quota is a predefined benchmark indicating the amount of sales a selling unit such as a sales rep or a regional sales team should achieve within a given period, often used as a measure of success, performance and eligibility for commissions and other rewards. Setting, Accurate ForecastingForecasting Forecasting is a prediction or calculation of a trend or event likely to occur in the future based on qualitative, quantitative and historical data as well as emergent but relevant factors. & Increased speed to close

The Pipeliner Revenue Intelligence Loop delivers Predictable Revenue and Forecast Accuracy!

Revenue intelligence ebook

The Revenue Intelligence Loop enables you to

  • Set realistic quotas & targets using predictive analyticsPredictive Analytics Predictive Analytics refers to the field or tool that uses historical data, statistical models, emergent trends and other information to formulate an informed forecast about the future, usually with regards to the performance, growth, or feasibility of a business.

  • Forecast accurately with evidence-based revenue predictions

  • Instantly display a gap analysis to see what is needed to hit targets

  • Review pipelinePipeline Sales pipelineis a visual representation of the stage prospects are in the sales process. changes, trends, and risks in real-time

  • Track and manage sales rep efficiency throughout the buyerBuyer A buyer is an individual or organizational entity that purchases a product or subscribes to a service. journey

  • Directly connect activities to sales results (new business, upsell & retention)

  • Drill down into the dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. to uncover pipeline insights at a granular level

  • Instantly share (or schedule) dynamic pipeline reports & dashboards

„The goal of forecasting is not to predict the future but to tell you what you need to know to take meaningful action in the present.“

Paul SaffoPaul Saffo • Author
Pipeliner CRM - sales CRM

Pipeliner is the first and only CRM that delivers evidence-based predictions, making it the only platform to truly deliver on the promise of CRM

Revenue intelligence is key

The Importance of Historical Data

  • The more accurate the historical data, the more accurate the predictions

  • Historical data is gathered from the Sales Management Insights, KPIs, and Archive functionality

  • Historical data must include leading as well as lagging indicators for a holistic view

  • KPIs can include avg. deal size, sales velocity, targets, win rates, forecasts & performance insights

revenue intelligence historical data
create user and group sales targets

Newly Expanded Target Feature

  • Create userUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service. or group targets

  • Historical data is automatically filled in from KPIs

  • Using historical data, the target functionality assesses the target’s validity

  • How far away the individual or group is from achieving the target will always be visible during the sales cycleSales Cycle Sales Cycle is a repeating process characterized by a predictable sequence of stages that a company undergoes as it sells its products and services to customers.

target feature expanded
Revenue intelligence for sales management

Sales Management & Quotas

  • Set & assign precise quotas for individuals, teams, territories (or however you are structured)

  • Once quotas are set, realistic forecasts can be created & adjusted during the period for accuracy

  • Robust reporting empowers sales management with dashboards and advanced analyticsAnalytics Analytics is the active study of different types of data with the aim of discovering meaningful patterns and translating these into insight (such as historical analyses and forecasts), or action (such as those intended to improve business performance).

  • First CRM to include evidence-based prediction capability

  • Say goodbye to guesswork or hunches and hello to intelligent CRM

Revenue intelligence screenshot view in Sales Management features
Pipeliner CRM - sales CRM

The goal of forecasting is not to predict the future but to tell you what you need to know to take meaningful action in the present.

Creating Forecasts & Quotas

The path to predictable revenue

forecasting sales pipeline
  • Forecast Flexibility: users, sales units, products, productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price. categories, and accounts

  • Date Range Flexibility: e.g. Closing Date or any Custom date range

  • Forecast Value Flexibility: The default is Opportunity Value but you can use many others such as value (currency), count (or sum)

  • Forecast View Flexibility: e.g. you can limit the forecast to new opportunities and use the filter functionality to filter out existing customers

  • Five levels of hierarchies for forecast roll-up (e.g. user to sales unit)

  • Add quota values to your forecast with maximum flexibility (e.g. even split or based on historical performance)

  • You can easily drill down and customize what data is displayed (even edit data as you drill down)

  • Select who you want to share the forecast with (individuals, teams, etc.)

Sales forecasting features
Pipeliner CRM - sales CRM

Pipeliner’s revenue intelligence provides all the powerful functionality you would expect from a full CRM application—without costly and complex add-ons. It’s all here, right out of the box.

More About Targets

Sales target setup

Sales Target Setup

  • Choose Target Type (revenue, leads created, leads qualified, etc.)

  • Filter exactly what type of sales (e.g. new, recurring or upsell)

  • Choose a time period (week, month, quarterQuarter Quarter is a three-month period in a company’s fiscal year commonly used to make comparative performance analyses, detect or forecast business trends, report earnings, and pay shareholder dividends., year)

  • Once Target is named, Pipeliner populates with historical data

  • The system now informs you as to whether the Target is attainable

  • Many different historical data points can be utilized, for example:

    • rep working hours (e.g. full-time/part-time)
    • leadLead Lead refers to a prospect or potential customer (who can be an individual or organization) that exhibits interest in your service or product; or any additional information about such entity. conversionConversion Conversion is the process of turning a target consumer into a paying customer; or more generally, the point at which a user performs a specific action favorable to a marketer or a seller. rates
    • average opportunity value
    • sales velocity
Sales targets progress

Sales Target Progress

  • Once activated the Target can be dynamically tracked

  • For example, the system will tell you how many more leads you need to reach the Target

  • A dynamic, visual graph shows revenue needed vs. revenue achieved & overall target performance

  • Target shows the value of opportunities currently in the pipeline

  • Drill-down into individual opportunities for total transparency

Pipeliner CRM - sales CRM

Much of the robust functionality you will find in Pipeliner is not included in other out-of-the-box CRMs.

Additional Resources

Learn More About Pipeliner CRM