California Business Journal, CA, November 11th, 2019— Victoria Kertz writes: Chances are, if you’ve never worked in sales or followed tech industry trends, you’ve likely never heard of CustomerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business. Relationship Management. Imagine a platform that categorizes all of your customer’s information, be they potential or existing, with the ability to update relationship status, referrals, orders and myriad other details that a sales team needs to track. That’s CRM in a nutshell and there are many such platforms on the market. Each was probably the brainchild of someone inspired to help salespeople, but only one was created with a more noble goal in mind.
What if companies in poverty-stricken regions or cities suffering from political unrest could boost their business using a highly-visual, userUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service.-friendly CRM? They could certainly sell more units and satisfy more customers, but what else? Could sales teams create a thriving middle class? Could they stem mass immigrations? Could they bring peace in addition to prosperity?
With the right tools, Pipeliner Founder and CEO Nikolaus Kimla says the possibilities are endless.
Pipeliner CRM Cloud is available in three versions: Starter, Business & EnterpriseEnterprise Enterprise (in the context of sales) is a relatively large organization typically composed of multiple levels, locations, and departments which need multi-layer software systems that support collaboration across a large corporate environment. and delivers a level of visualization and instant, dynamic insights unrivaled in the CRM space. This ensures a supreme user experience, short learning curve plus high and rapid adoption rates. Its unique administration backend means that non-technical users can easily configure the system, so no programmers, consultants or systems integrators and there is no need for an expensive, full-time administrator which saves companies money and minimizes risk.
For more on Pipeliner CRM software or to download a 14-day free trial, please visit:
About Pipeliner CRM
Pipeliner CRM adopts a unique approach to features by leveraging instant, dynamic visualization that drives rapid adoption rates and supreme user experiences. Its multiple productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price. lines and both online and offline apps address the largest audience possible with the best IOS and Android mobile Apps in the market. Pipeliner is reinventing CRM and leading the market with new ideas and innovations efficiently executed to truly meet the challenges of this digital age
Pipeliner is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, please engage with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and @PipelinerCRM or visit us at
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