ProdPad Integrates with Pipeliner CRM

About ProdPad

ProdPad is a comprehensive productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price. management software designed to help product managers and their teams plan, develop, and launch products more effectively. It provides tools for managing product backlogs, developing product roadmaps, and capturing and prioritizing customerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business. feedback and ideas. Here’s what ProdPad does:

  1. Idea Management: ProdPad allows teams to collect and organize ideas from various sources, including team members and customers. It helps in evaluating and prioritizing these ideas based on their value and alignment with business goals.
  2. Product Roadmapping: The software offers flexible roadmapping tools that enable product managers to create visual product roadmaps. These roadmaps communicate the strategic direction and progress of product development without being tied to specific deadlines, allowing for adaptability.
  3. Feedback Management: ProdPad provides a centralized platform for gathering and managing customer feedback. This feedback can be linked to specific ideas and features, helping teams to make dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning.-driven decisions about what to build next.
  4. Product Backlog: The platform helps teams manage their product backlog, making it easier to prioritize and plan feature development. Teams can break down ideas into actionable tasks and allocate them to development sprints.
  5. Collaboration and Integration: ProdPad fosters collaboration among product management teams, developers, and stakeholders. It integrates with various tools, such as JIRA, Trello, Slack, and more, streamlining workflows and ensuring everyone is aligned on product goals.

ProdPad is used by product managers and product teams who seek to implement agile product management practices, ensuring that product development is customer-focused, strategic, and adaptive to changing market demands.

See how Pipeliner’s enterpriseEnterprise Enterprise (in the context of sales) is a relatively large organization typically composed of multiple levels, locations, and departments which need multi-layer software systems that support collaboration across a large corporate environment.-scale API integration platform can transform your business. Request a demo today of ProdPad integration and automation.

Pipeliner CRM Support Portal provides information on how to connect apps you already work with to your Pipeliner CRM accountAccount Account refers to a record of primary and background information about an individual or corporate customer, including contact data, preferred services, and transactions with your company..