Stripe for Sales CRM App

About Stripe

Stripe is a payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept payments online and in person easily. It offers essential features like:

  • Credit card and debit card processing
  • Recurring billing for subscriptions
  • Built-in fraud protection
  • Global reach with multiple currencies
  • Seamless integration with websites and apps


  • Simplify payment processing
  • Increase sales with flexible payment options
  • Reduce fraud risk
  • Scale your business globally
  • Focus on what you do best, not payments

This short description provides the core idea of Stripe’s value propositionValue Proposition Value Proposition is a statement or message that encapsulates the reasons — such as benefits and unique attributes — consumers would want to patronize a brand or purchase a product.. You can then expand on specific features or benefits depending on your audience and their needs.

Is there anything else you’d like me to add to make it even more concise or to tailor it to a specific audience?

See how Pipeliner’s enterpriseEnterprise Enterprise (in the context of sales) is a relatively large organization typically composed of multiple levels, locations, and departments which need multi-layer software systems that support collaboration across a large corporate environment.-scale API integration platform can transform your business. Request a demo today of Stripe integration and automation.

Pipeliner CRM Support Portal provides information on how to connect apps you already work with to your Pipeliner CRM accountAccount Account refers to a record of primary and background information about an individual or corporate customer, including contact data, preferred services, and transactions with your company..