Pipeliner CRM Manifesto

The Pipeliner Manifesto

What is a manifesto, and why have we, the developer of a CRM solutionSolution Solution is a combination of ideas, strategies, processes, technologies and services that effectively helps an organization achieve its goals or hurdle its challenges., created one?

A manifesto is defined by the dictionary as “a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives.” This is our public declaration of the intentions behind Pipeliner, and our objectives and motives for the productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price. and for our company.

Pipeliner CRM is many things. It is the most visual CRM on the market–we call it Instant Intelligence, Visualized. It is the first CRM that truly empowers salespeople, and has as its goal the freeing of salespeople so that they can truly flourish and succeed.

But why are we really here? Are we here just to develop and sell a CRM application?

No. Behind the development of that CRM application–and, in fact, behind everything we do–we have a real cause.

There are 5 basic parts to our Manifesto.

1. The Driving Force of Globalization and the Digital World

There is a fundamental transformation happening—actually, one that’s been happening for a number of years now but which has reached mammoth proportions and only continues. That is the evolution of the digital world.

A primary focus of the digital world is processes. Another very important focus is the harnessing and use of dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. trends.

2. Trade is Essential to Growth and Economic Stability

It has been pointed out by several leaders in the Austrian School of Economics over the last 150 years that trade has a peacekeeping element. 2 parties engaged in trade cannot engage in war. If they do, the trade, which is benefiting both sides, ceases. Hence you can see that trade, in addition to many other benefits, greatly assists in keeping peace.

You might notice that today there is a great amount of attention not just on trade, but on fair trade. Fair trade would mean honesty—fairness to people purchasing the product or service, and fairness within the marketplace. But it also includes fair wages to the employees of producers and benefits to the environment in which products are produced. Using this standard, you can see how vitally important fair trade is in today’s world, in which not only war is a threat, but also environmental ruin and depletion of resources.

3. The Positive Sales R(Evolution)

At Pipeliner, our main focus has never been to make it more possible to control salespeople (as seemed to be the mission of many CRM applications), but to empower them and, with every release, make it increasingly more possible for them to sell.

Today, the honest salespeople—whom we believe are in the far majority—are winning out. Why? The broad proliferation of the internet has brought transparency to commerce, business…and salespeople.

4. Only Sound Education Brings Future Prosperity

To say the least, we are big believers in education—not just about our product, but about sales, leadership and anything else relevant to the world of business in which we can help. Most of our materials are provided free of charge—we really want to help educate and change the business world for the better.

In looking through our educational materials, you’ll see that they are totally geared toward application. If you read or learn something, we believe you should be able to turn around and apply it. Otherwise, why learn it? We believe that this is the future of education in general—it will move away from being so theory-oriented and will be completely structured around applicability.

Pipeliner CRM philosophy wheel

5. The Pipeliner Philosophy Wheel

We think it is crucially important to describe our philosophy because our customerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business., our partner, the userUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service. engaging with us, should understand the underlying concepts that drive Pipeliner. If you understand the underlying concepts, it will empower you to make even better use of the software.

Everything we do is visual–hence we have also created our philosophy wheel to better communicate our foundational philosophy.

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ebook cover the pipeliner mission win together

This ebook is on the subject of “Win Together.” It falls under the same context as“win-to-win” described in my book Network Selling: Guarantee Success for the Digital Age. Today, this aspect of sales is more important than ever, and must also be part and parcel of CRM solutions.

“For some years I’ve been saying that, as a society, we’re in the midst of a transformation. Given what’s happened in the last couple of years, there’s no one left who is disagreeing with me! It’s become very obvious.”

Nikolaus Kimla CEO of Pipeliner CRMNikolaus Kimla, CEO at Pipelinersales, Inc.
Network selling for success

A common term in sales today is EQ, which stands for “emotional I.Q.” It means the skill a salesperson has in reading emotions and utilizing them in sales. It means empathy and a number of other abilities. The short version is, it’s an I.Q. when it comes to emotions. But just as with our Network Selling model, E.Q. isn’t just for sales, either. It’s actually the missing factor in human interactions, for confrontation—a common “tool” in human interactions—doesn’t actually handle anything.

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Zig ZiglarZig Ziglar