“Test it. Keep it. Use it. Love it.”
Jens Leonhaeuser, Owner, Steilpass
What business issue(s) was Steilpass looking to solve with a CRM?
- Strategy Consulting
- Brand Consulting
- Destination Consulting
How did Pipeliner CRM meet Steilpass business needs?
Pipeliner is now used for our own and for our partner businesses.
Why did you ultimately select Pipeliner CRM?
Easy to use and super flexible.
How is Pipeliner CRM helping the Steilpass team?
Pipeliner has become a central hub that keeps track of hundreds of opportunities.
What are some of Prowareness Steilpass’s favorite features?
- Outlook add-in
- Buying Center
- Reporting
Learn More About Pipeliner CRM
Take a no-obligation 14 day trial of Pipeliner CRM.
No credit card info required – just experience for yourself how it could impact your sales.