CRM Empowering the Sales Force – White Paper
How two companies improved business performance with Pipeliner CRM
CRM at the Forefront of B2BB2B B2B is an acronym for Business-to-Business, a model for selling, relationship-building, or engagement. Sales Strategies
One of the best ways CRM technology can be a tool for salespeople is through visibility—easily seeing and understanding customerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business. accounts and relationships. This allows a sales representative to build, grow, and maintain the right level of customer service. CRM attempts to build a 360-degree view of each customer to discover the customer´s needs, meet those needs effectively and in a timely way, discover opportunities for cross selling and upsellingUpselling Upselling is a selling technique where a seller introduces a more expensive, an upgrade, or add-on to a buyer to increase the average order value., expand current customer relationships, and improve competitive positioning. Drawing different dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. points from each part of the company as well as outside the firm enables organizations to gain a holistic view of each customer. CRM technology can aid in the process of creating visibility into an accountAccount Account refers to a record of primary and background information about an individual or corporate customer, including contact data, preferred services, and transactions with your company..
Users can gain visibility into the behavior and views of the customer by having account information all in one place. When data is easy to view and analyze, it gives sales managers and others immediate visibility into what is happening. This increased visibility enables sales managers to support salespeople and allows sales teams to communicate more effectively, resulting in more effective sales strategies and better customer service.
CRM systems assemble and organize all customer information in one place in an easy accessible manner for salespeople to view, analyze, and act on. Instead of shifting through call logs and different databases, CRM tools (e.g., a centralized dashboard), showcase each clientClient A client is an entity who pays another entity for products purchased or services rendered. Also called a customer. account for salespeople to view, interpret, and act.
The rise and growth of the CRM (customer relationship management) industry aims to make the customer relationship management task easier and more efficient for salespeople. CRM offers huge potential to empower salespeople to perform their jobs better, resulting in greater company-wide successes.
In this case study, you’ll learn how Juniper Systems, Inc. and Integrated Systems, Inc. utilized Pipeliner CRM for their customer-centric strategies and philosophies to build and maintain the best relationships with the right clients.
Additional Resources
This ebook is on the subject of “Win Together.” It falls under the same context as“win-to-win” described in my book Network Selling: Guarantee Success for the Digital Age. Today, this aspect of sales is more important than ever, and must also be part and parcel of CRM solutions.
“For some years I’ve been saying that, as a society, we’re in the midst of a transformation. Given what’s happened in the last couple of years, there’s no one left who is disagreeing with me! It’s become very obvious.”
A common term in sales today is EQ, which stands for “emotional I.Q.” It means the skill a salesperson has in reading emotions and utilizing them in sales. It means empathy and a number of other abilities. The short version is, it’s an I.Q. when it comes to emotions. But just as with our Network Selling model, E.Q. isn’t just for sales, either. It’s actually the missing factor in human interactions, for confrontation—a common “tool” in human interactions—doesn’t actually handle anything.
“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”