Welcome to our extensive collection of resources, carefully curated to facilitate a deep understanding of the Austrian School of Economics. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, our categorized list ensures a seamless learning experience.

Foundational Books
“Principles of Economics” by Carl Menger
↳ A foundational text introducing Austrian Economics“Human Action” by Ludwig von Mises
↳ A comprehensive treatise on Austrian Economics“The Theory of Money and Credit” by Ludwig von Mises
↳ Insights into Austrian monetary theory“Man, Economy, and State” by Murray N. Rothbard
↳ A thorough textbook on Austrian Economics
Interviews with proponents of the Austrian School
(sponsored by Pipeliner CRM & Sales POP!)
Understanding the Austrian School of Economics with Walter Block
John Golden & Walter Block • Sales POP!
John Golden introduces Walter Block and the focus on Austrian economics.
Lecture Series
Austrian Economics
Tom Woods • Mises Institute
Tom Woods discusses the power of Austrian Economics.
The Attractiveness of Austrian Economics
Tom Woods • Mises Institute
Engaging video lectures
Lectures on Austrian Economics
Joseph T. Salerno • Mises Institute
Menger discovered much more than the principle of marginal utility—he created an entire system of economics based on subjective value and individual choice.
How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life
Joseph T. Salerno • Mises Institute
Professor Joseph T. Salerno tells his personal story of how he discovered Austrian economics and how he has become one of the its leading proponents. The lecture is part of the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Fall 2023 online conference “How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life” and includes an introduction and remarks by Jacob Hornberger, and a question-and-answer period.

Online Courses
Mises Institute’s “Austrian Economics 101”
↳ FREE • Introductory course covering the basicsUdemy’s “Austrian Economics”
↳ PAID • Dr. Jonathan Newman • Introduction to Austrian EconomicsAustrian Economics Center’s “Austrian Economics Academy”
↳ FREE • Comprehensive course series
Mises Institute
The Mises Institute is a research and educational center dedicated to promoting Austrian economics, individual liberty, and peace. It offers a vast library of articles, books, and multimedia resources on economic theory, history, and political philosophy. The Institute also hosts events and provides educational programs to advance the principles of the free market and limited government.
Austrian Economics Center
The Austrian Economics Center (AEC) is an independent, non-profit think tank based in Vienna, promoting free markets, individual freedom, and limited government. It engages in research, education, and public outreach to advance the principles of classical liberalism and sound economics.
Foundation for Economic Education
The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) promotes principles of a free and prosperous society through digital contentContent Content refers to a material or document released in various forms (such as text, image, audio, and video) and created to inform, engage or influence specific audiences. and in-person programs. They offer commentary on politics and history, video series on culture and economics, and educational workshops for students. Their digital library features works from esteemed thinkers in economics, political philosophy, and entrepreneurship.
Community & Forums
Libertarian Forum 1969–1984
The Mises Institute offers the complete collection of *The Libertarian Forum*, a newsletter edited by Murray N. Rothbard from 1969 to 1984. Despite its small circulation, it significantly influenced libertarian thought. The collection includes Rothbard’s political commentary, movie reviews, and insights into the libertarian movement’s evolution.
Reddit’s r/AustrianEconomics
The Reddit community r/austrian_economics is a forum dedicated to discussions on Austrian Economics. Members share resources, such as free PDFs of seminal works like “Human Action” by Ludwig von Mises, and engage in debates on topics like monetary policy and government intervention. The community fosters knowledge exchange among enthusiasts and scholars of Austrian economic theories.
Research & Journals
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (QJAE)
The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (QJAE) is a peer-reviewed journal that advances Austrian economics in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard. It publishes scholarly articles, critiques, and book reviews, fostering discourse on economic theory and policy.
Journal of Libertarian Studies
The Journal of Libertarian Studies (JLS), established by Murray Rothbard in 1977 and now published by the Mises Institute, explores libertarian philosophy, economics, and political theory. It features scholarly articles, critiques, and book reviews, advancing the libertarian intellectual tradition.
Mises Institute Libertarian Papers
Libertarian Papers is an online, peer-reviewed journal hosted by the Mises Institute, featuring scholarly articles on libertarian theory, history, and applications. It serves as a platform for rigorous discourse, advancing the understanding of libertarian principles.